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Weekly Digest About Moshiach

Parshat Tzav, Shabbat HaGadol 5766
9 Nissan, 5766
April 7, 2006

"Happy 104th Birthday, Rebbe"

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Maimonides, Principles of the Faith, No. 12


In honor of his 104th birthday,
11 Nissan, 5766

Click here, to see pictures of the Rebbe
The Daily Sicha (in Real Audio) - Listen to selected excerpts of the Rebbe's Sichos
[talks] which are relevant to the particular day.


We are pleased to present, to the visually impaired and the blind, the 469th issue of our weekly publication, Living With Moshiach.


In this week's issue, we focus on The Rebbe's 104th birthday.


We would like to express our thanks to Mrs. Malka Touger for allowing us to reprint -- starting with this issue, for the benefit of the visually impaired and the blind -- her new book, Excuse me, are you Jewish? -- Stories of Chabad-Lubavitch Outreach Around the World.


Our sincere appreciation to L'Chaim weekly publication, published by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, for allowing us to use their material.

Also, many thanks to our copy editor, Reb Mordechai Staiman of blessed memory, for his tireless efforts.


It is our fervent hope that our learning about Moshiach and the Redemption will hasten the coming of Moshiach, NOW!

Rabbi Yosef Y. Shagalov
Committee for the Blind

27 Adar, 5766
Los Angeles, California

Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyahu
Passed away on 5 Sivan - Erev Shavuot, 5765

Mrs. Devora Rivka bas Reb Yosef Eliezer
Passed away on the second day
of Rosh Chodesh Adar, 5766

Dedicated by their son-in-law and daughter
Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok and Gittel Rochel

Adapted from the Works of the Rebbe

Parshat Tzav

In this week's Torah portion, Tzav, we read the verse: "A perpetual fire shall always be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out." The Kohanim (priests) in the Holy Temple were required to light a fire upon the altar in preparation for the G-dly fire which descended from Above to consume the sacrifices. Without this preparation, the G-dly fire would not come down from heaven.

The fire that descended from Above came from G-d. Thus, unlike a fire that is kindled by human beings, it was unlimited in nature. Human beings, by contrast, are finite creatures; their abilities are likewise limited. Nonetheless, the priests had to first invest their own efforts in order for the G-dly, infinite fire to descend from on high. Thus we see that the service of limited, finite creations is a necessary condition to attain a level that transcends limitation.

When a person does all he is capable of doing, G-d grants him additional powers from Above. He becomes a "perpetual fire that burns always," enabling him to transcend his natural limitations.

Every Jew possesses an inner, spiritual "Holy Temple" in which G-d's Presence dwells, as it states, "I will dwell in their midst." When a Jew invests the maximum amount of effort in kindling his spiritual flame, he merits a G-dly fire to descend from Above -- the bestowal of additional powers and an infinite abundance of blessing.

What is the spiritual fire that burns in the inner Sanctuary of every Jew? None other than the warmth and enthusiasm he feels in his service of G-d. In the spiritual sense, observing the Torah and its commandments with enthusiasm is the equivalent of lighting a fire in one's inner Sanctuary.

This vitality must extend to all three dimensions of Torah and mitzvot: the study of Torah, the service of prayer, and the performance of good deeds.

Torah: Learning Torah at fixed times is not enough if there is no enduring connection to the Torah throughout the day. Torah study must be so intense and vital to the Jew that it permeates his being and surrounds him constantly.

Prayer: A person mustn't pray by rote or simply out of habit. Indeed, the service of prayer is "the supplication for mercy and entreaty before G-d."

Good deeds: G-d's commandments are not to be performed merely to discharge our obligation. Rather, we must always endeavor to observe them in the most beautiful manner and to the best of our ability.

When a Jew does the above with enthusiasm, the fire he kindles upon his inner altar is whole. Such a person will merit that G-d's fire -- an unlimited fire -- will descend from Above, and he will see G-d's blessing in everything.


The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch, issued a call that "The time of our Redemption has arrived!" and "Moshiach is on his way!"

The Rebbe stressed that he is saying this as a prophecy, and asks us all to prepare ourselves for the Redemption, through increasing acts of goodness and kindness.

Let us all heed the Rebbe's call.

Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shaul

Passed away on 22 Tamuz, 5763

Adapted from the Works of the Rebbe

On the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Nissan the Jews in Egypt were commanded to take a lamb into their homes and to guard it until the fourteenth of the month, when it was to be slaughtered as the Passover offering. When their Egyptian neighbors became curious, the Jews explained that the sacrifice was preparatory to the tenth and final plague G-d would visit on the Egyptians -- the slaying of the firstborn.

Hearing this, the firstborn sons panicked. They stormed Pharaoh's palace, demanding that he free the Jews. When he refused, civil war broke out in Egypt. Sons fought against fathers and many died, as it states in Psalms, "To Him Who struck Egypt through its first-born" -- the Egyptian firstborn sons themselves were the instrument of Egypt's destruction.

This miracle is commemorated each year on Shabbat HaGadol(1), the Shabbat immediately preceding Passover, as the miracle itself took place on Shabbat that year. Yet ever since then, Shabbat HaGadol does not necessarily fall on the 10th of Nissan; the deciding factor in commemorating the miracle is that it be on Shabbat.(2)

This commemoration differs from all other celebrations on the Jewish calendar, which are generally determined according to the day of the month. What is so special about Shabbat HaGadol that it follows a different pattern?

An essential difference exists between the days of the week and of the month. The seven days of the week are determined by the sun, according to the natural order G-d put into motion during the seven days of Creation. The days of the (Jewish) month, however, are determined by the phases of the moon, whose movements are not subject to nature in the same way.

These two ways of determining the passage of time, solar and lunar, reflect the two ways G-d oversees the world -- within and outside of nature -- the seemingly natural occurrence and the miracle. In fact, the Hebrew word for "month" -- chodesh -- expresses this concept, for it is related to the word chadash ("new"), signifying that the lunar phases are subject to change. For this reason, Jewish holidays are celebrated according to the day of the month, as they commemorate G-d's supernatural intervention with the laws of nature.

The miracle of Shabbat HaGadol, however, was not supernatural, but of an entirely different sort, one in which evil itself fought to eradicate its own existence. Fearing for their own lives, Egyptian fought against Egyptian, waging war in order to free the Jewish slaves.

A miracle such as this, occurring within nature, is therefore connected to the day of the week and not the day of the month. This concept will be better understood when Moshiach comes, speedily in our days, for the G-dliness that exists within nature will then be openly revealed and not seen as a separate entity.


1. See below footnote #5. Ed.

2. This year, Shabbat HaGadol is on the 10th of Nissan. Ed.


Yud-Alef Nissan (Sunday, April 9), is the Rebbe's birthday. A birthday is more than a day for songs and celebrations. Instead, a birthday is a day when mazalo gover, the spiritual source of a person's soul shines with power. When we say "the spiritual source of a person's soul," we mean something more than our conscious thought powers. We have our thoughts and our feelings. And then we possess an inner spiritual core from which those thoughts and feelings spring forth. This spiritual core is the mazal that shines powerfully on a person's birthday.

Since a person's mazal shines powerfully on that day, he should use its influence to focus on his individual mission and align all the particular elements of his life with it. As the Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn taught, on a birthday a person should spend time in solitude, thinking over the purpose of his life, correcting those matters that need to be amended, and making resolutions with regard to his conduct in the future.

The Rebbe's birthday is not merely a personal event, affecting him alone. On the contrary, the very name Rebbe is an acronym for the Hebrew words Rosh Bnei Yisrael, "head of the Jewish people." The head contains the nerve center for the entire body, allowing all its diverse organs and limbs to function together as a single whole. Similarly, a Rebbe is a comprehensive soul whose life is lived in consciousness of others and whose efforts are devoted to tightening the connection between them. As such, the Rebbe's birthday is a day which impacts us all.

What is the Rebbe's mazal and where is it directed? In one of his letters, the Rebbe writes: "From the days I began going to cheder (school) and perhaps even before then, I had a vision of the ultimate Redemption." From his earliest childhood, and in every successive phase of life, the Rebbe devoted his efforts to creating a spiritual climate that will make Moshiach's coming a reality.

On a day when "the spiritual source of the Rebbe's soul shines powerfully," each one of us should think of the way he can help shoulder and advance this mission. The breakthroughs in sciences and communication of our era have created the backdrop for the Redemption. It is our responsibility to create the conceptual foreground and make the values and principles that will characterize the Redemption factors that influence our lives at present. Anticipating the Redemption in this manner will precipitate its unfolding as actual reality.

(From Keeping In Touch by Rabbi Eliyahu
Touger, published by Sichos in English)


It is a Jewish custom to say daily the chapter of Psalms associated with the number of one's years. Many also have the custom to recite daily the Rebbe's chapter. The 11th of Nissan (Sunday, April 9) marks the Rebbe's 104th birthday, and so, we begin reciting chapter 105.

Psalm 105 was composed by King David on the day that he brought back the holy Ark from Philistine captivity. From that day forth, this Psalm was sung each morning as part of the daily service until King Solomon built the Holy Temple and the Ark had a permanent home.

The Psalm begins, "Offer praise to the L-rd, proclaim His Name; make His deeds known among the nations." This verse describes the Divine mission of Abraham which he carried out to the utmost degree. Abraham taught about the One G-d and encouraged everyone to praise and thank G-d. As his descendants, we too are enjoined to praise G-d and to speak of G-d's wonders.

In the next verse we are further enjoined to "speak of all His wonders." Our Sages explain that those who believe in G-d speak with one another about the wonders and miracles that G-d has done and continues to do. We are encouraged to do this, especially in these days when the wonders we are experiencing are a foretaste of the miracles and wonders of the future redemption.

In verses three and four we read: "May the heart of those who seek the L-rd rejoice...Search for the L-rd and His might; continually seek His countenance." Finding G-d brings the ultimate joy and happiness. Yet, even while a person is seeking G-d, he rejoices. The search for G-d is never-ending; but simply being involved in the search is enough to cause one to rejoice.

Verse 7 reads: "...His judgments extend over the entire earth." G-d is busy with the entire world, yet He is also involved and concerned with even the minute details of our lives.

This Psalm ends: "And He gave them the land of nations, and the labor of the peoples they inherited; so that they might preserve His Statutes and treasure His Laws..." Reward is usually granted after the deed. But G-d gives the reward even before the good deed so that we will be able to fulfill His desire in peace.

May we truly fulfill His desire in peace with the revelation of Moshiach, NOW!


As far back as in the times of the Talmud our Sages taught that "all the appointed times have passed." How much more so must this be today, after all the divine service of our people throughout this long and bitter exile, for over a thousand and nine hundred years. Moshiach must most certainly come immediately.

(From a talk of the Rebbe,
Parshat Vayechi, 5751/1990)

Stories of Chabad-Lubavitch
Outreach Around the World*

= 1 =

Ms. Linda Lingle first encountered Chabad when she was mayor of Maui, Hawaii. Rabbi Yitzchak and Pearl Krasnjansky, shluchim in Honolulu, had sent two yeshivah students, Naftali Rotenstreich and Zalman Shmotkin, to the neighboring islands to reach out to Jews. The young men discovered that Mayor Lingle was Jewish and contacted her during their visit. About a decade later, former mayor Lingle moved to Honolulu and became active in the leadership of the local Republican Party. In time, she made a bid for the governorship, but narrowly lost the election. Her efforts to explore her own heritage, in contrast, met with resounding success. Through frequenting Chabad activities and befriending the Krasnjanskys, she was able to advance her knowledge and Jewish experience.

It was the first night of Pesach, one year, when Ms. Lingle appeared at Chabad House shortly after the Seder had begun. Rabbi Krasnjansky publicly acknowledged her arrival.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced ceremoniously, "it is my pleasure to introduce to you the future governor of Hawaii! Next year in Jerusalem, but if G-d forbid we are still here, next year's Seder will be held in the governor's mansion!"

"I felt so awkward," Pearl recalls with a smile. "Ms. Lingle had not yet announced her candidacy. Although it was fairly common knowledge that she was planning to run again, it seemed a little audacious to be so outspoken. It must have been the four cups of wine that prompted my husband to make such a statement."

Six months later, Ms. Lingle indeed won the gubernatorial election, becoming the first Jewish governor of Hawaii. As a sign of her Jewish identity, she took her oath of office on a Tanach -- A Bible. Shortly after assuming office, she called Rabbi Krasnjansky.

"So when are we going to begin planning the Seder at Washington Place (the governor's residence)?" Governor Lingle inquired.

The Chabad public Seder has now been conducted in the governor's mansion for the past three years. Many share in the joyous celebration. Governor Lingle and her gracious staff are not daunted a bit by the extensive preparations and the total transformation that the gubernatorial kitchen must undergo.

"My only regret," says Governor Lingle, "is that considerations of time must constrain the rabbi in sharing all the inspiring explanations and stories that make the Seder so special."

= 2 =

"Are there any Israelis here?" Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg of Bombay called out in the hallway of the primitive guesthouse frequented by backpackers on shoestring budgets.

This search for additional guests to the Chabad House festive table was part of his routine every Friday afternoon and an hour before any Jewish holiday.

His wife, Rivki, had insisted that he make his rounds this afternoon, despite the assistance she needed at home in preparation for the Pesach Seder.

"Yes," came the answer. A moment later, a young man emerged from the communal shower room at the end of the corridor. He looked at the rabbi in utter disbelief.

"Where in the world did you come from?" he blurted out. "Who sent you here?"

"G-d sent me," the shliach answered with a smile. "I'd like to invite you to our home for the Seder."

That young man, Ohr Michaeli, became the Holtzberg's guest, and told them the following story.

"I was on my way from a southern village in India to the north, where I had planned to meet a group of backpackers. I was shocked to discover that I had been pickpocketed on the way. I ended up here in Bombay, roaming the streets not knowing what to do, when I came upon some European-looking people I could communicate with. When I told them my plight, they suggested that money could be wired from Israel to a bank in India. I immediately contacted my family and relayed the instructions those kind people had given me.

"The foreigners also directed me to this dingy guest house, which would be a cheap place to stay until the money arrived. Disappointed by my bad luck and exhausted from the ordeal, what I wanted most was to take a shower and go to sleep. But all of a sudden it dawned on me that tonight will mark the beginning of Passover. I'm not an observant Jew, but I've always enjoyed the Seder and had been planning to go to one together with the group I was to meet up north. I was feeling totally dejected, and then suddenly you walked in."


*. Reprinted with permission of the author, Mrs. Malka Touger. Published by Emet Publications, Jerusalem, 5766/2006.


The most important principle in the Torah is the protection of Jewish life.

It's more important than Shabbat, more important than holidays, even fasting on Yom Kippur.

Right now, in Israel, and everywhere, Jews must stand together in unity and do whatever possible to protect Jewish life.

The Rebbe teaches that there are ten important Mitzvot we can do to protect life. See what you can do:

1) Ahavat Yisroel: Behave with love towards another Jew.

2) Learn Torah: Join a Torah class.

3) Make sure that Jewish children get a Torah true education.

4) Affix kosher Mezuzot on all doorways of the house.

5) For men and boys over 13: Put on Tefillin every weekday.

6) Give Charity.

7) Buy Jewish holy books and learn them.

8) Light Shabbat & Yom Tov candles. A Mitzvah for women and girls.

9) Eat and drink only Kosher Food.

10) Observe the laws of Jewish Family Purity.

In addition, the Rebbe also urged every man, woman and child to Purchase a Letter in a Sefer Torah. There are several Torah scrolls being written to unite Jewish people and protect Jewish life.

Letters for children can be purchased for only $1. Send your Hebrew name and your mother's Hebrew name plus $1 to:

"Children's Sefer Torah,"
P. O. Box 8,
Kfar Chabad, 72915, Israel

or via the Internet, at: http://www.kidstorah.org


The Rebbe's slogan is: "The main thing is the deed." We therefore present from the Rebbe's talks, suggestions what we can do to complete his work of bringing the Redemption.

Thirty Days:

"Purim is thirty days before Passover.(3) As Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi writes in his Code of Jewish Law, thirty days before Passover, we should begin studying the laws of the holiday.

"Similarly, since the celebration of the Passover holiday involves many expenses, it is proper that efforts be made to provide everyone who lacks with their Passover needs.

"Although there are organizations involved with these activities throughout the entire year, there must be an increase in these efforts in connection with the Passover holidays, providing them with both food and clothing so that they can celebrate the holiday in an ample manner, as befits 'free people.'"

(The Rebbe, 16 Adar, 5751/1991)


3. This year, Passover begins on Wednesday night, April 12. Ed.


Jewish Women and Girls Light Shabbat Candles

For local candle lighting times:
consult your local Rabbi, Chabad-Lubavitch Center.
or: http://www.candlelightingtimes.org/shabbos

For a free candle lighting kit:
contact your local Chabad-Lubavitch Center.

For a listing of the Centers in your area:
In the USA, call: 1-800-Lubavitch (1-800-582-2848).

Times shown are for Metro NY - NJ

Friday, April 7, Erev Shabbat Parshat Tzav:

  • Light Shabbat Candles,(4) by 7:09 p.m.

Saturday, April 8, Shabbat Parshat Tzav:


4. The Shabbat candles must be lit 18 minutes before sunset. It is prohibited and is a desecration of the Shabbat to light the candles after sunset.

5. A portion of the Haggadah, beginning from Avodim Hoyinu ("We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt") until l'chaper al kol avonoseinu ("to atone for all our sins") is recited on this Shabbat after Mincha, the Shabbat afternoon service.

Laws of Shabbat Candle Lighting for the Blind

Shabbat Candle Lighting Blessing

"Let There Be Light" - The Jewish Women's Guide to Lighting Shabbat Candles.

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