What Did the Rebbe Say?

Answers to Six Central Questions on the Theme of Moshiach and the Imminent Redemption

From the talks of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach

  • 3. What is Our Task?
  • 4. Does All This Apply Now As Well?
  • 5. What Will the World Say?
  • 6. How Must Chassidim React to the Rebbe's Words?


Usually in translation, the main consideration is content. Translators often err to the side of readability and style over tight adherence to the wording of the original. However, this publication is unique: "What did the Rebbe say?" is the question at hand, not "Let's try and understand what the Rebbe said."

Therefore, we have attempted to translate the following excerpts of sichos in the most literal manner, as faithful to the actual wording of the Rebbe as possible. The importance of this section is to know precisely what the Rebbe said, without interpretations.

Explanatory notes of the translator have been limited to required background to facilitate understanding the context of the passage quoted. These have been placed in brackets,[]. Round parentheses are in the original.

It should be noted that emphasis has been placed on various words and phrases, in order to facilitate the comprehensiveness of the text, in addition to the already accentuated words of the Rebbe's original edited text. To differentiate, translation of the original accents are indicated by bold, whereas those accented by the translator have been italicized. (This is in addition to Hebrew or Yiddish words, which are italicized the first time they are used).

Most of the excerpts that follow are from sichos edited by the Rebbe himself for publication. In a few cases, where the excerpt is quoted from an unedited transcript--"bilti mugah"--the word "unedited" will appear.

In many instances, an ellipses (. . .) was employed in order to bypass phrases or paragraphs of the original which do not have direct relevance to the questions at hand. In most cases, these words--if retained in the translation--would have complicated the text and obscured the main point. This underscores the importance of every reader independently researching the original sichos to see everything in its true context.

There is yet another reason to study the original texts. One should not erroneously imagine that these selected quotes are the only few instances the Rebbe has demonstrated such apparently radical statements. Upon reading the original sichos, these and others, particularly from recent years, one clearly sees how the Rebbe emphatically speaks of the imminent Geulah constantly, without respite, and in the strongest terms.

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